I’ve been dreaming about starting up a schedule of regular mini sessions for a while and I am SO EXCITED to finally be kicking it off!! My vision for this particular session is that is is bright and dreamy with whites and creams and neutral color tones, so visually you focus on just the people in the photos. No bright colors, no props… just LOVE and LIGHT.
So… I am excited to announce the first in a series of regular mini sessions: Love and Light. These 30 minute mini sessions are causal and focus on your bond with your child/children. In the midst of a sea of fluffy white pillows and blankets, our In-Studio bed set makes for the perfect canvas to focus on you. This session includes your pre-session styling guide with recommendations on what to wear and what to bring, our session, five digital images and options to purchase additional images as digitals, wall art or albums. These sessions are geared towards beautiful wall art that can be displayed anywhere in your home with a neutral color palette and simple beautiful imagery.
CONTACT Nicole to get on the list!! – The next session date is SATURDAY FEBRUARY 18th… Don’t miss out!!